

Simmons Says!

simmonssimmonsworkoutsweatplayfitworkoutplay videoLOCATION: Aerospace, NYC
All Workout Gear c/o Old Navy Active Collection

Do I even have to write anything? I think the these pics speak for themselves, no?!!! I still can’t believe I was “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” with the one and only, Richard Simmons and team Old Navy! Besides the laughing, dancing, singing and sweating, I took away a few key tips from the “Weight Saint” himself on how to live a happy and healthy life.

1. Be joyous and safe when you exercise.
2. Be honest and love one another and yourself.
3. Get a plan: No sodium, be healthy and (my 
fave) dressing on the side!

Thx for a blast Richard & Old Navy! 
(P.S. click the video clip above to witness the calories burning off!)


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  1. nikki indri-galliano at 12:44 pm Reply

    Dance with Richard Simmons? CHECK!! Be sure to cross that off your ‘bucket’ list! : ) SO FUN!!!

  2. Alison M at 12:33 pm Reply

    How exciting! As a very young kid, my brother sister and I would sweat to the oldies with Richard on VHS on our TV in the basement. He looks exactly the same in your pics, I love it!

  3. Laura at 1:56 pm Reply

    Don’t tell Richard, but I’m hanging out with Tony Horton these days! But I am definitely one “Sweatin’ Oldie”!!!! Your outfit at least makes exercising look like fun =)

  4. susan noto at 10:59 am Reply

    Wow…he still looks good. So colorful…you just have to smile. Great post! xoxo

  5. Vicki at 9:54 am Reply

    How Awesome Gi ! You working out with the all-time fitness pro… You go girl !!!!! xoxo

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