

No Resolution is the New Resolution

It’s almost that time of year to start fresh with a clean slate for a healthy 2016. But if you already like to workout and love that natural high that comes with it, then why not keep up the good work and add a few fun new twists to your usual fitness regime? Perfect timing for another partner workout series from my Adidas campaign with my fit buddy, Christina.

Yoga is one of our favorite ways to stay strong and stretched, no matter what the season. To balance out our running and cardio workouts, we try to practice a mix of different yoga classes throughout the week to target different body parts and with both restorative and more challenging flows. When we can’t make it to a class, we partner up and create our own sequence incorporating a few of our favorite poses to tone and toughen-up. You don’t have to have a partner for all of these poses, but it’s always more fun (and supportive) with a buddy, especially when doing inversions and trying new acro moves.

Below is a fun flow to practice with your bestie that will burn some calories and help you stick to a steady fitness routine to kick off the new year. Modify as needed to fit your own personal fitness goals and levels. We usually face each other when flowing to help with balance and mirroring one another helps too. And remember, have fun!

Take a few minutes to steady your breathing and turn your focus to your mind and body. Tree Pose is a great way to start centered and to breathe as you strengthen your legs and core. Use your partner to steady and balance yourself one at a time if needed. Hold for 5 to 7 breaths. Repeat on other side.

Move into Downward Dog by folding over and bending down, pressing your hands and feet to the mat or ground. Bend your knees to protect your back if you can’t straighten your legs. Inhale and look up, then exhale and fold over your legs. Step your legs back, lifting your hips towards the ceiling and making an inverted “V” shape with your body. Steady your pose with strong arms and legs, and hold for about 5 to 7 breaths.

Then create a fun yogi box. One partner stays in down dog while the other partner places their hands down on ground in front of their partners hands fingers pointing in same direction. Then raise feet and place them on the lower back of partner in Downward Dog engaging the core and arms making an upsidedown “L” shape over the partner in Downward Dog. Hold for 20 seconds and switch.

Rise up and turn back-to-back to support one another in eagle pose. Steady and hold for 5 to 7 breaths, repeat other side.

Move forward into Plank Position, engaging your core, and hold for 5 to 7 breaths. Then roll over to the left side, stacking your feet onto the outer edge of the left foot, lifting hips to prop your weight entirely on your left hand for Side Plank. Hold 5 to 7 breaths. Extend the right arm up into the air and flip back for Rockstar pose. Hold for 5 to 7 breaths. Repeat this entire sequence on the other side. Return back to Center Plank, then lower halfway down and push up, arching your back with legs stretched out straight and strong behind you, toes pointed and tops of feet on the ground as you move into Upward Facing Dog. Hold 2 to 3 breaths and move back into Downward Dog.

Warrior I/II is great to strengthen the legs and core muscles. Stand with feet spread wide apart, turn the right leg and foot out about 90 degrees, turn the left leg and foot in about 45 degrees, then turn your chest to the right and square your hips. Inhale and raise your arms above your head. Stand strong in the pose for about 5 to 7 breaths, then extend arms out to either side of the body, transitioning into Warrior II. Hold 5 to 7 breaths.

Lean back holding the lunge and move into Reverse Warrior pose. Repeat this sequence on the other side.

Move into Triangle Pose by straightening the front leg from Warrior II and extending your front arm out and down to touch your calf or the ground while raising your opposite arm up overhead and rotating your chest to the sky for an awesome side stretch. Hold 5 to 7 breaths. Repeat this sequence on the other side.

Rise up to move into Dancer’s Pose to open the chest and stretch shoulders and biceps while improving your balance. Bend the right knee and grab the inside of the right foot with the palm facing up. You’re already facing your partner, so focus on each other to steady your balance and bring your own knees to touch. Then with an inhale, lengthen through the spine and all the way through your left fingertips reaching for your partner. With an exhale, slowly begin to kick your right foot into your right hand. Your torso will naturally start to lower down while you reach your left hand out in front of you. Keep your hips leveled. Give your partner a high five! Hold for 5 to 7 breaths. Repeat this sequence on the other side.

Once we’re warmed up, it’s time to play! Leave some time to practice arm balances and inversions. Some of our favorites are Forearm Stand and we’re working on our Handstands too—with a little help from the wall or by spotting each other. 

After doing inversions and lots of bending, Child’s Pose helps to gently stretch the back, hips, thighs and ankles, and to calm the body back to a more controlled breath. Stay here and rest to decrease your heart rate or move into a final resting pose, Shavasana. Lie on your back flat on the ground for about 3 to 5 minutes to relax your muscles, and rest and reset your body.

Yoga is a great way to keep a steady rhythm to your workout schedule and to keep your body strong and injury-free when mixing in other types of workouts. Stay tuned for our next series of partner moves to help tone, strengthen and get your heart rate up!

Have a healthy & happy new year!


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  1. Vicki at 12:00 pm Reply

    A beautiful dynamic duo!???
    Thank you NYC Pretty for inspiring all of us throughout the year, and for sharing your beauty and sparkle with your fans!
    Here’s to a another fabulous year of living and learning life to the fullest! Love you tons! xoxo

  2. susan at 8:47 am Reply

    You both look so fit and so cool and comfy in your workout gear. Helpful positions for a beginner. Very inspirational! Strike a Pose for 2016. A healthy and happy one to you, your family and all your followers as well!

Hi There!

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