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Hottest new Workout! CHEERFIT!

Hot off the press! CHEERFIT named the ‘Hottest Workout Craze’! Peek the recap of our featured WPIX11 segment! We had so much fun chatting with Tamsen Fadal and Arrianee Lebeau (who were also former cheerleaders, love it) about all things CHEERFIT and our upcoming #NYC Summer Solstice CHEERFIT event on June 21st!  You can also shop the bridesmai dress from

Tune in to learn what makes CHEERFIT unique, who it’s for, and how you can experience a class! We can’t wait to see our local NJ/NYC peeps sweating it out at our upcoming #NYC Summer Solstice @cheerfittraining event w/ JetSweat. WHo’s in?!?

DEETS here to sign up! cheer fitness workouts nyc fitness

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