

Breathe Easy

With hectic schedules and mile long to-do lists, it’s sometimes impossible to switch gears and find time for a workout. I always try to set aside 30 minutes to an hour to focus on something that will help me breathe easy and strengthen both my body and mind. Even if it’s a brisk walk or some simple stretching, I find that putting my attention towards something other than my busy-bee lifestyle helps me check out and create positive energy that helps with all aspects of my life. Below are a few of my favorite go-to moves (pictured above) that I can do anytime, anywhere, to help me build core and muscle strength to help balance my fitness routine with my running and cardio workouts.

– Take a few minutes to steady your breathing and turn your focus to your mind and body.

– Start on all fours and move the body in a Cat/ Cow position, arching your back to curve your spine upward as you inhale and then curving your back down to exhale. This is great to reduce stress and tone ab muscles. About 5-7 rounds of deep breaths.

– Make your way to Downward Dog position by curling your toes under, pressing against the balls of your feet then lifting your hips toward the ceiling making an inverted “V.” Steady your pose with strong arms and legs and hold for about 5-7 breaths.

– Moving into Plank and Side Plank variations, be sure to keep the body aligned engaging your core. Start in a pushup position and hold for 5-7 breaths. Roll over stacking feet onto the outer edge of your left foot and lifting hips to prop your weight entirely on your left hand. Extend the right arm up into the air. Hold for 5-7 breaths. (Repeat other side)

– Warrior I / II is great to strengthen the legs and core muscles. Stand with feet spread wide apart then turn the right leg and foot out about 90 degrees and turn the left leg and foot in about 45 degrees. Then turn your chest to the right and square your hips, inhale and raise your arms above your head. Stand strong in the pose for about 5-7 breaths, then extend arms out to either side of the body transitioning into Warrior II. Hold 5-7 breaths.

– I always leave sometime for practicing arm balances and inversions. Some of my faves are Crow Pose variations and forearm stand. But always be smart and use a spotter or a wall if you are just starting out.

– Child’s Pose is always a great way to gently stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles and help to calm the body to relieve stress.

– Finally, after each practice, it’s most important to move into a final resting pose, Shavasana. Lie on your back flat on the ground for about 3-5 minutes to decrease your heart rate, relax muscles and to rest and reset your body.

These are just a few key moves that I love to practice even if I only have 20 minutes to spare. I always feel revived and energized after any workout and I’m always satisfied that I made an effort to help to benefit my body. Stay motivated and stay strong, Girls!


Workout Gear c/o: Breathe by Body Glove
In partnership with Better Homes and Gardens and Stayfree® Pads


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  1. susan at 11:23 am Reply

    Whatever you’re doing…don’t stop…you look great! Thanks for the tips. xooxo

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